The Mindfulness Center of Atlanta Logo

Logo for the Mindfulness Center of Atlanta, featuring an abstract design and text.

The Mindfulness Center of Atlanta logo includes the image of an owl in a four color format.

The Owl:

Owls are frequently associated with wisdom, intuition, knowledge, and insight, stemming from their nocturnal habits and ability to see clearly in the dark. Owls are often seen as symbols of personal transformation and change. 

The Colors:

The four colors represent the basic elements of the universe: Fire (red), Water (green), Earth (yellow), and Air (blue). The four elements were considered to be fundamental building blocks of a healthy human body and often associated with specific qualities like solidity, fluidity, and temperature.

  • Earth = Yellow: Represents solidity, groundedness, and stability.

  • Water = Green: Represents fluidity, adaptability, and emotionality.

  • Air = Blue: Represents movement, communication, and intellect.

  • Fire = Red: Represents energy, passion, and transformation.